ICT knowledge has become essential in private and public life to ensure social inclusion and access to information. A high percentage of adults over 55 (seniors) have limited, if any, computer knowledge which leads to social exclusion

In 2010 - 2012 (01/08/2010 - 31/07/2012) Grundtvig Learning Partnership Project @daptation provided the opportunity for the following organizations to address this problem:

irlAge Action, Ireland
fiENTER ry, Finland
lt Seniors Initiatives Centre, Lithuania
plLodz 3U, Poland

They held international workshops which 

  • Identified best practices in the delivery of ICT to seniors
  • Demonstrated ICT teaching methods in an informal, intercultural setting
  • Showed the advantages of working with volunteer trainers
  • Explored peer teaching to motivate senior learners to pass on their knowledge to friends

Trainers and learners from all 4 countries worked in a variety of settings – private company, community centres, college, library and even a boat! Instruction was delivered on a 1:1 basis. Presentations were delivered on the topics, visits were made to banks and Google European headquarters to put the learning in context.

The project overview is given in the pdfadaptation_project_presentation.pdf2.05 MB and pdfadaptation_pamphlet.pdf1.74 MB

The aim of this site is to share the results of the project and offer tips and materials to assist in the teaching of older adults

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